10 |
Invisibility Potion |
1 |
Magic Potion |
1 |
Mixture of Power |
1 |
Nightshade - Mullein - Dandelion Extract |
5 |
Poison Antidote |
1 |
Poison Ivy - Henbane - Poppies Extract |
5 |
Potion of Accuracy |
1 |
Potion of Action Points |
1 |
Potion of Alchemy |
5 |
Potion of Archery AP |
1 |
Potion of Attack |
Increase the attack skill by 5 |
2 |
Potion of Attack Reduction |
Decreases your attack skill by 5 |
1 |
Potion of Body Restoration |
Increases your material points by 30 |
1 |
Potion of Cold Protection |
1 |
Potion of Coordination |
Increases your coordination by 5 |
1 |
Potion of Crafting |
1 |
Potion of Defense |
Increase the defense skill by 5 |
2 |
Potion of Defense Reduction |
1 |
Potion of Engineering |
5 |
Potion of Evasion |
10 |
Potion of Extra Mana |
5 |
Potion of Feasting |
Increases your food level by 50 |
1 |
Potion of Great Healing |
1 |
Potion of Harvesting |
Increase the harvesting skill by 5 |
1 |
Potion of Heat Protection |
1 |
Potion of Mana |
Increases you ethereal points by 5 |
1 |
Potion of Manufacturing |
1 |
Potion of Minor Healing |
Increases your material points by 10 |
1 |
Potion of Physique |
Increase physique by 5 |
1 |
Potion of Potion |
1 |
Potion of Radiation Protection |
1 |
Potion of Reasoning |
Increases reasoning by 5 |
5 |
Potion of Speed Hax |
5 |
Potion of Spirit Restoration |
Increases you ethereal points by 20 |
1 |
Potion of Summoning |
Increases your Summoning by 5 |
1 |
Potion of Vitality |
Increase vitality by 5 |
1 |
Potion of Wildness |
Increase instinct by 5 |
1 |
Potion of Will |
Increase will by 5 |
1 |
Red Currents - Blue Berries - Rue Extract |
1 |
Refined Vegetal Mixture |
4 |
True Sight Potion |
1 |
Wheat - Daffodils - Feran Horn Extract |
1 |
Wheat - Valerian - Mugwort Extract |
1 |
White Chanterelle - Ogre Toes - Tree Mushroom Extract |
1 |
Yarrow - Wormwood - Tulips Extract |